WESTCHESTER COUNTY, NY - How many plates can one spin without mishap? For expert multi-taskers like today's guests, the answer is: plenty. Take featured guest: Dr. Faye Ran - artist, educator, college administrator and single mother. Or one of my co-hosts: Darius Myers - President and CEO of Sportscart Media, who has a novel in the works and runs several miles each morning, even on days he golfs 18 holes; or George Tinnin - university professor, management consultant, doctoral candidate and family man.
Join me in upcoming broadcasts:
I broadcast the Lisa Tolliver Show every 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 1:30-2:00 p.m., Eastern Time and SCORE Radio at 1:00-1:30 p.m., Eastern Time on a rotating basis with other SCORE Business Counselors. Upcoming shows...
July 27:
August 10:
August 24:
- Lisa Tolliver Show
- SCORE Radio
- Lisa Tolliver Show
- Lisa Tolliver Show
How to tune in:
Tune your radio dial to WVOX AM 1460.
Listen live at www.wvox.com.
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You're invited:
If you're listening, I'm listening. Talk with me!