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ABOUT THE SHOW - Darius Myers, CEO of Sports Cart Media and Kevin Perry (whose gospel group, Tones of Joy
A PERSONAL NOTE - Like many others, I won't regret bidding adieu to 2005 and bonjour to 2006. Last year seemed particularly rife with various disasters, conflicts and other sad and tragic events that devastated and wreaked havoc on individuals, families and entire nations worldwide. We've covered some of those stories on air and successfully solicited and made our own contributions to help. Along with those stories and images, several close-to-home events ensuing in May have seared 2005 into my consciousness as a pivotal year.
On May 16 Mary Frances Golff, Dad's last surviving sibling, died. I'll cherish the last road trip taken with my father and brother to attend the memorial services in Miami. The following weekend, Dad was hospitalized with lung cancer and emphysema and expired on September 17, 2005. Dad, Aunt Frances and I were close and I usually celebrated family holidays with them and the many other relatives and friends who enjoyed the good cheer, great fun and tasty meals that were always to be found at either Dad or Auntie's homes. Unfortunately, their deaths elicited the worst in some relatives, which has also irreparably marked this season. On the other hand, the funerals--as many do--have drawn some relatives and friends closer. Some of these recent reacquaintances have become my guardian angels.
Later in May (on my birthday), I was saved by a guardian angel of another sort, when a three-car crash on the Long Island Expressway totaled my car and sent me to the emergency room downstairs from Dad's hospital ward. Although I'm not unscathed and I will be unable to ski this year (my favorite pastime), I'm grateful to be here to tell the story and to Dad for letting me adopt his wheels.
NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS - As we ring out 2005 and herald in 2006, I will be following the following advice. Join me!
- Show and tell loved ones that you love them, as often as possible
- Mend rifts with "keepers" (people whom you'll keep in your life) even if it requires feeding difficult significant others with a long spoon.
- Ruthlessly eliminate toxic relationships, situations and behaviors from your life. That might require mending rifts with or feeding some signficant others with a long spoon.
- Assess and take steps to optimize your physical, mental, spiritual and fiscal health.
- Count your blessings and give thanks every day.
- Learn something new every day.
- Follow the 10 Commandments.
- Properly establish an estate plan by completing and properly filing the following documents, regardless of your income: a will, living will, durable power of attorney and health care proxy. Beforehand, take the MSN Money Make-A-Will Quiz .
BEST WISHES for a happy, healthy holiday season and an abundant new year!
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