Saturday, September 29, 2007
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Vampires, running buddies, and talk show participants: how are they alike? (updated)
Consider three groups: vampires
QUESTION: How are they alike?I'll betcha Barbara Walters could crack this riddle as readily as she'd like to crack Star Jones-Reynolds'. Rosie O'Donnell's* and Donald Trump's knuckles. Or noggins. The latest crack-worthy development was the publication of Miss O'Donnell's book, Celebrity Detox (The Fame Game). [Read the publisher's and reader's reviews
I've encountered both types, and therefore, empathize with Ms. Walters, albeit on a smaller, less public scale. And like Ms. Walters, neither public bloodletting (like that enjoyed by "The Donald" and Ms. O'Donnell in their various, well-publicized feuds with each other and with other people), nor dishing delectable-yet-damaging dirt (as shock jock Wendy Williams* does), is my cup of tea [although I realize mass media audiences savor that stuff just as Dracula digs warm blood].ANSWER: They must be invited in. Once inside, they either reveal they'll be welcomed back (as with fictional "good" vampires and most real-life running buddies and talk show participants), or - rarer, worst case scenario - they unsheathe an unwelcome propensity to bite, suck everyone else dry, or otherwise cause all hell to break loose.
* Would someone at WBLS or VH1 puh-leese encourage the self-professed "Queen of Radio" to refrain from referring to Rosie O'Donnell as "Rosie O'Donald"?!For me, a higher - and more lucrative - road for venting about toxic invitees might be to release a tell-all novel and associated film that exposes, in thinly disguised fashion, those few emotional vampires, talk radio show participants and running buddies whom I regret having invited in. (I'm not saying I'll do that, but then never say never, either.)
LINKS: The Amazon.com ads below results from the book search: "tell all, celebrity."

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
ON AIR (I'm hosting 'SCORE Radio' today): Matador Travel’s Ross Borden explores the world of freelance travel writing
- ITINERARY: Matador Travel's co-founder, Ross Borden, explores the world of freelance travel writing with call-in guests and yours truly. [ASIDE: I'm an avid traveler and former Let's Go!
travel guides editor.]
- SCHEDULE: Beam us up at 11:30 AM to noon, Eastern Time.
- DESTINATION/LOGISTICS: Tune to New York Radio WVOX 1460 AM or listen live online at wvox.com to lend us your ear. Or phone the call-in line - (01) 914-636-0110 - to hear and share.
- WHAT TO BRING: For your listening pleasure, I've packed a bag o' traveling music. I invite you to phone the show to share your favorite traveling tunes, and to post them as comments at the posts listed below.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Today's podcast at Sports Shorts & Thing Shots
Today's podcast episode at Sports Shorts & Thing Shots is Happy Grandparents' Day: Dance!
Shameless commerce:
- Some Grandparents' Day gift ideas are listed above.
- The results of an Amazon.com search of Grandparents' Day books
is accessible by clicking on the link or on the book titles below.
- The results of a general Amazon.com search of Grandparent's Day is accessible here
Thursday, September 06, 2007
MOVIE: Two droll lines from 'Waiting to Exhale'
The latest droll lines I'm adding to the list are from the movie, Waiting to Exhale
These actresses played the lovely, love-challenged heroines:

These actors played the men in their lives. for better or worse:
Michael Beach (pictured right as "Doc" Parker on Third Watch, courtesy of Answers.com>>Michael Beach) - as John Harris, Sr.
- Giancarlo Esposito - David Matthews
- Donald Faison - Tarik Matthews
- Dennis Haysbert - Kenneth Dawkins
- Gregory Hines - Marvin King
- Leon - Russell
- Wendell Pierce - Michael Davenport
- Jeffrey D. Sams - Lionel
- Wesley Snipes - James Wheeler, Esq.
- Mykelti Williamson - Troy
EXCHANGE ONE: Bernadine's husband of 11 years and her children's father announces he is leaving Bernadine for his blonde bookkeeper, effective that night. He makes this pronouncement after he and his wife have gussied up for a black tie New Year's Eve party being hosted by the company Bernadine helped build. To help build the business, Bernadine has tabled - at her husband's request - her dreams of starting a catering service.
Days later, in a scene evocative of, "I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Outta My Hair" (and shortly before she cuts her long, luxurious hair short), the jilted wife stuffs John-the-jerk's many upscale suits into his BMW, pours lighter fluid through the sunroof, and ignites them with the match she has used to light her cigarette.

What follows is a brilliant series of non-verbal gestures evocative of the black-and-white movie sirens Bette Davis (e.g., in Now, Voyager
With the exception of this scene, the smoking behavior in Waiting to Exhale is excessive. However, at this juncture, Bernadine's behavior signifies several rites of passage. She ignites her cigarette preparatory burning John's car and clothes in a purging by fire that simultaneously exorcises her home of John's status symbols, and sacrifices him in effigy. John's vehicle and wardrobe are conspicuous fruits of their joint labors, and the obsessive orderliness of his well-stocked drastically contrasts with the disorder and the void his act of betrayal is imposing on his family's lives.
Afterward, Bernadine exhales, swivels, and with a triumphant gesture, flounces into her fabulous house and firmly shuts the door. The ensuing exchange was with a fireman who extinguished John's flaming luxury car and the designer duds within it.
- Fireman (Graham Galloway): It's illegal to burn anything in this neighborhood but garbage.
- Bernadine (Angela Bassett): It is garbage.
EXCHANGE TWO: Savannah is at a restaurant with the physician whom she has, until recently, mistaken for the love of her life. He had inexplicably abandoned her years ago, and has recently resurfaced: married to someone else, and a father. He's used Savannah's mother to track down his old flame, has made less-than-credible pronouncements about being unhappy at home and planning to divorce, and has declared that Savannah is his true love, too.
Savannah, against her better judgment, has resumed their affair. However, Kenneth's treatment of his wife, his mischaracterization of how he and Savannah parted, and Savannah's self-protective instincts prevail. In this scene, she tells him like it is, and literally, takes a stand.
Kenneth (Dennis Haysbert), seated: I'm not mad.
- Savannah (Whitney Houston), standing, and just before purposely spilling his drink in his lap: I'm not mad, either. Just to prove it, the drinks are on you!
Monday, September 03, 2007
All around Jack Robinson's barn

That's funny 'cuz, despite descending from Virginia slaves and freedmen, no one in my immediate family was born below the Mason-Dixon Line. (The original Mason Dixon Line is depicted, above right, courtesy of Wikipedia>>Mason-Dixon Line). It's also funny 'cuz my southern belle-buddy, Lorraine, is amused by my phraseology, too. At statements like "breaking bread," "brand new penny," and "stinker," the doctorate-holding, deep south denizen giggles like a schoolgirl. At deliberate mispronounciations such as "eye-talian" (Italian) and "grassy-ass" (gracias), old gal guffaws.
As Lorraine's reactions reflect, the phrases and pronounciations that tickle my friends' fancies do not necessarily derive from Dixieland. Rather, they have multifarious etymologies.

*(The IMAGE, above right, Manufacturing Belt in red, provided courtesy of Answers.com>>Manufacuring Belt and Wikipedia>>Manufacturing Belt, depicts a portion of the Northeastern United States.)

Great balls of fire!