Thursday, May 26, 2005
”Lisa Tolliver Show” past guest (and Lisa’s aunt) Mary Frances Golff died 5/16/2005
Frances (as she was affectionately known) was far more than a do-gooder and friend of my show. She was also my paternal aunt, the family matriarch (after her mother, Pearl, died in 1990) and my ace boon coon. I captured some of Aunt Frances’ dynamic spirit and legacy in the obituary I wrote (and orally presented) at the funeral.
A native New Yorker, Aunt Frances moved to Miami in September 2004 to live with her son, Frank, Jr. (affectionately known as “Nicky”). Although always cheerful, she suffered from various ailments related to diabetes and died of a heart attack on May 16, 2005. The wake and funeral services were held in North Miami on Friday and Saturday, May 20 and 21, respectively.
I admired, respected, emulated and adored my Aunt Frances. It was a privilege and an honor to know her and to know how much she loved me. I had planned to visit her in Miami this summer and regret not doing so when it mattered. Readers, please do not make the mistake I made…do not put off until tomorrow spending time with and taking every opportunity to show appreciation for your loved ones. Tomorrow is not promised.
My mum sent me this comforting passage, which had been forwarded to her by Miriam Jenkins, Apopka High School, Girls Basketball. Perhaps you’ll enjoy it, too. I know Aunt Frances would have.
Yesterday is history
Tomorrow is a mystery
Today is a gift
That is why it is called the present!
I think this life is special,
live and savor every moment!
Life is not a dress rehearsal!
5/25 "Lisa Tolliver Show" reruns search engine seminar with web diva Stephanie Cockerl

I swiped Search Engine audiofile from the archives of “T3: Trends, Tips & Tools for Everyday Living,” an on-air magazine I produced and co-hosted with a roster of subject matter experts, most frequently Stephanie Cockerl. Steph, who owns web design and consulting firm NextSteph, is one of the wizards behind the curtain of award-winning website She also teaches at the Metropolitan College of New York School for Business.
5/25 "SCORE Radio" broadcast reruns interview with multimedia artist Steve Williams & on-air advisement session with interior designer Cory Michael

I rebroadcast this show (which originally aired in 2002) because my heart wasn't into doing the live one I'd planned RE: World Trade Week 2005. See the post above RE: the death of my beloved Aunt Frances.
Steve Williams has contracts with such organizations as the National Basketball Association, various entertainment industry clients and institutional clients. Cory Michael does interior design--including textured wall, floor and ceiling designs-- for residential and business customers, such as Circle Entertainment (whose Cory Michael design incorporates the clients' platinum records). He also designs clothing for his brother and sister who are professional singers/musicians. Steve, who hails from South Carolina, and Cory, who's originally from N'Awlins, are young, hunky, southern gentlemen with fantastic talents and bright futures. I'll soon post the audiotape of that show right here so you can hear it for yourself!
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
"Lisa Tolliver Show" guest, Lowes Moore, initiates weekly gang suppression meetings at Mount Vernon Boys & Girls Club

Although not a direct quote, that's the clear message that Mount Vernon Boys and Girls Club (MVBGC) members and friends are sending lately.
On May 3, Lowes Moore - MVBGC Executive Director and alumnus - initiated a weekly discussion series to help parents and community members identify and suppress kids' involvement in gangs. The format: discussions led by speakers such as Moore, educators and Westchester District Attorney, Jeanine Pirro, and frank exchanges among all participants. Although adults are the target audience for these sessions, young people have been joining in voluntarily. And so far, when the one-hour Tuesday night sessions are scheduled to wrap up at 7:30 p.m., the participants seem to be just warming up. The discussions consistently continue both inside and outside the club and throughout the week.
Are the sessions helpful? It's still early yet, but the immediate impacts are unmistakable. For example, the very day after the first meeting, Moore received requests for help from concerned parents who'd learned to detect warning signs of gang involvement in their childrens' behavior and attire. The young people are showing the effects, too. They have thanked Moore for holding the sessions and apparently look forward to attending them. Moreover, they relentessly apply peer pressure to cronies who wear garments that resemble gang colors. Apparently, members of the club have no use for gang activity.
NOTE: Lisa Tolliver serves on the MVBGC Board of Directors.
And that, dear readers, is precisely the point.
Click here to visit the MVBGC online. It is located at South Sixth Avenue in Mount Vernon, NY.
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
This summer, I'm teaching two sections of a 15-week course: "Developing a Busiiness Plan"
Off air:
This summer, I'm facilitating approximately 20 adult students to write strategic business plans. That's fun and exciting for me, and apparently quite intimidating for some of them. At least so far. However, if they adhere to three critical success factors (CSFs), they will write actionable plans and might even enjoy the process.
Here are the three CSPs:
- Plan the work and work the plan (which it's my job to help them do in the guided independent study course)
- Select a project they're passionate about and/or have to do anyway
- Adhere to the KISS Principle (Keep it Simple, Student)
I know from whence I speak. I've been a strategic planner throughout my career and developed plans for a virtual cornucopia of initiatives. These range from corporate plans for multinational firms to business and marketing plans for small start-up ventures and entertainment projects.
Here's a secret: what's at stake and how one manages the relevant people and processes may differ vastly among various planning projects, but the essential elements of a strategic plan do not. Imagine how drastically the divorce rate would plunge if more people were strategic and planful about selecting a mate, crafting mutually agreeable short and long-term goals, and periodically discusssing their shared vision of the future.
On air:
These are the topics I address in my radio and lecture series: "The business side of love and marriage."