Wednesday, May 04, 2005

This summer, I'm teaching two sections of a 15-week course: "Developing a Busiiness Plan"

"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." - Common saying, author unknown

Off air:

This summer, I'm facilitating approximately 20 adult students to write strategic business plans. That's fun and exciting for me, and apparently quite intimidating for some of them. At least so far. However, if they adhere to three critical success factors (CSFs), they will write actionable plans and might even enjoy the process.

Here are the three CSPs:
  • Plan the work and work the plan (which it's my job to help them do in the guided independent study course)
  • Select a project they're passionate about and/or have to do anyway
  • Adhere to the KISS Principle (Keep it Simple, Student)

I know from whence I speak. I've been a strategic planner throughout my career and developed plans for a virtual cornucopia of initiatives. These range from corporate plans for multinational firms to business and marketing plans for small start-up ventures and entertainment projects.

Here's a secret: what's at stake and how one manages the relevant people and processes may differ vastly among various planning projects, but the essential elements of a strategic plan do not. Imagine how drastically the divorce rate would plunge if more people were strategic and planful about selecting a mate, crafting mutually agreeable short and long-term goals, and periodically discusssing their shared vision of the future.

On air:

These are the topics I address in my radio and lecture series: "The business side of love and marriage."