Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Emergency Preparedness Tip # 3 from the Westchester Emergency Volunteer Reserves-Medical Reserve Corps - FIRE SAFETY

Lisa Tolliver and Westchester Emergency Volunteer Reserves-Medical Reserve Corps (WEVR-MRC) have partnered to broadcast regular Emergency Preparedness tips. The following Emergency Preparedness Tip aired on the "Lisa Tolliver Show" on March 22, 2006.

Emergency Preparedness Tip # 3 - FIRE SAFETY

Simple fire prevention practices will go far in reducing the likelihood of fires in the home or office. First, locate potential sources of ignition. They may include electrical hazards, natural gas hazards, and flammable or combustible liquids. Then do what you can to reduce or eliminate these fire hazards. Our WEVR-MRC tip for today involves ways to reduce Electrical Hazards. Click here to access it. ###