Sunday, April 09, 2006

"Eggs-tra" emphasis on a seasonal symbol

WESTCHESTER COUNTY, NY - We have entered the "Week of the Egg." It began Palm Sunday, which hatched, according to the, "the single biggest week of egg buying."

This eggs-traordinary souffle of activity results from the close relationships among Passover, the Christian Holy Week (which begins Palm Sunday), and age-old rites of spring. These begin on the vernal equinox and beget a two-month cycle of festivities featuring "that basic and vital of all foods."

The egg has long symbolized life, spring, fertility, birth and resurrection. Practices combining pagan and modern spiritual representations of nature's "miracle food," such as Passover and Easter eggs, have become so intertwined that it is difficult to unscramble which came first.

Many resources offer informative, interesting, fun and downright bizarre coverage of natures "perfect food." I've selected a few for your edification and entertainment:

Happy holidays!

Image ("Rabbit"): accessed April 16, 2006 at