Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Feedback on "Lisa Tolliver On Air and Online: May 5 is Cinco de Mayo (an historical holiday) and this month's Bonza Bottler Day (a marketer's dream)"
Subject: Bonza Bottler Day Originator & Thanks
Dear Ms. Tolliver -
I read your Cinco de Mayo - Super Bonza Bottler Day article and was thrilled. Years ago a friend started this monthly holiday. I first read about it in our local newspaper and also read in the same article a disturbing point. My friend and the originator of the holiday, Elaine Freemont, was killed in a traffic accident. I, and the world, gained a great monthly holiday and at the same time I learned of it, I found I had lost a friend.
Following is the link to an article that describes acurately Elaine's idea of the celebration. Upon searching further, another article states that Elaine had this registered in Washington. (?) Elaine was a super person that enjoyed life without the desire or need of alcohol, etc. She had the Lord and His spirit and joy in her life and I look forward to the days I'll see her again.
I felt compelled to write you to clear up the authorship, and also to thank you for mentioning it. After first reading in our paper about the holiday, I never forgot the concept - however, I did forget the strange name and I have you to thank for bringing that to light - THANK YOU!
Happy Bonza Bottler Days!
Debbie Knebel
NOTE FROM LMT: The article and Debbie's feedback are also published at BlogCritics.org.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
How my radio shows, publications and PSAs in June 2006 - the 10th anniversary of National Safety Month - will help make the world a safer place

We would like to hear how you are using National Safety Month information and materials to promote safety in your workplace, home, or community. Please submit your comments [here].
Our 10th anniversary theme, Making our world a safer place, reflects the National Safety Council’s mission to prevent accidental injury and death by educating and influencing people to adopt and maintain safe and healthy practices and behaviors in all aspects of their lives. Throughout the month, 2006 National Safety Month activities will address safety risks and include injury prevention tips applicable to the workplace, driving, and the home and community. MORE...
Listeners worldwide can hear and share in the broadcasts by tuning their radios to WVOX AM 1460 (in the Tri-State NY, NJ,CT region), listening live online at www.wvox.com, or phoning the studio call-in line: (01) 914 636 0110. Additional information is posted before and after each broadcast Lisa Tolliver On Air and Online at lisatolliver.blogspot.com. More details about the WVOX, the shows, SCORE and me are available online at the following websites: www.wvox.com, www.scorewestchester.com, www.score.org/volunteer_tolliver and www.lisatolliver.com.
My work this month reflects my background as a former Girl Scout (the organization's motto is "Be prepared") and current affiliations with WEVR-MRC (as a media partner and trainee) and with the Federal Safety and Health Council/Hudson Valley (as a corporate partner via my firm, 360 MERIDIAN, LLC).
Now here's a question for you: How are you making the world a safer place? You may submit comments here, as well as photos, announcements and links to your audio or video blog and/or to phone WVOX when I'm on air at (01) 914.636.0110. Show the world that you know what time it is! If you're listening, we're listening...talk with us! ###

Response to Carnival of the Stars comment on Flavor Flav's rescheduled "Lisa Tolliver Show" appearance

Finally, Lisa Tolliver updates her radio schedule. Announcement of Flavor Flav's change in radio interview dates until June and synopsis of his VH1 Flavor of Love surreality show. Bummer. You would think a man with a clock dangling from his neck all the time would be easier to schedule.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Lettin' you know what time is: Flavor Flav will guest, playwright Ray Aydelott will co-host on the 6/14/06 SCORE Radio & Lisa Tolliver Shows

- Yo! Bum Rush The Show (1987) - Click here to read the distinction between "bum rush" and "bum's rush."
- What: Flav - Public Enemy's "Black-chelor" - will join playwright Ray Aydelott and me
- On air: New York Radio WVOX AM 1460
- Online: www.wvox.com
- The date: June 14, 2006
- The time: 1:00 - 1:45 p.m., Eastern Time
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
The May 24, 2006 “Lisa Tolliver Show” features: Hurricane Preparedness Week, World Trade Week, Silver Screen Summary and Word of the Day

- National Hurricane Week - With Sidique Marshall, Product Development Coordinator at the Greater New York Councils, Boy Scouts of America and Emergency Preparedness & Safety Tip #5 - HURRICANE AWARENESS & SAFETY provided by Marianne Partridge, Director of the Westchester Emergency Volunteer Reserves - Medical Reserve Corps (WEVR-MRC). This and other advice is available online at the Emergency Preparedness and Safety Tips blog.
- World Trade Week (WTW) - With WTW New York City Core Steering Committee Member, Nancy Ploeger (who works for the Manhattan Chamber of Commerce) and yours truly, a Friend of World Trade Week NYC 2006. (Click the link to learn what it means to be a Friend of WTW NYC.)
- Silver Screen Summary - with filmmaker Emanuel Rund (who's in NYC scouting films for the Munich Film Festival) and attorney Joseph Dimyan, Esq.
You can hear and share, from anywhere, via radio at WVOX AM 1460, online at www.wvox.com or call-in line at (01) 914 636 0110. If you're listening, we're listening. Talk with us!###
How to access an article coauthored by Marianne Partridge and me - "National Hurricane Awareness Week: Trends, Tips, and Tools" - at Blogcritics.org

Want to read more? You may click here to read the article published at Blogcritics.org and here to read other articles that my colleagues and I have published at that sinister [but critically and popularly acclaimed] cabal of superior bloggers on music, books, film, popular culture, technology, and politics.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006
World Trade Week 2006 is May 22 - 26

In the Big Apple the New York District Export Council, in conjunction with Partner Organizations and Friends (such as Lisa Tolliver, a Principal at 360 MERIDIAN ), have organized an intensive week of World Trade Week New York City programs and events. These include in-depth discussions about emerging opportunities, issues of concern, government policy, logistics, and branding. Presenters include business leaders and government officials from the U.S. and around the world. Networking opportunities are also plentiful. Visit the World Trade Week New York City calendar to see the full week of events.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Happy Mother's Day!
WESTCHESTER COUNTY, NY - Happy Mother's Day to all mothers and godmothers! Many websites provide the history of Mother's Day, ideas for gifts and other ways to honor mothers, and resources for purchasing, sending and communicating those remembrances. One such site is Wikipedia, which states:
Mother's Day is a holiday honoring mothers, celebrated (on various days) in many places around the world. Mothers often receive gifts on this day.
Mother's Day is a busy time of year for mail in many countries. In 1973, the U.S. Postal Service was held up for eight days because of the amount of mail. Telephone networks are also at their busiest on Mother's Day.

Two years ago, my mother participated in a Mother's Day special broadcast that I hosted on Trends, Tips & Tools for Everyday Living. (It aired on New York Radio WVOX.) Here are some of the Mother's Day fun facts we covered and a few others:
Books about mothers [e.g., My Mother / My Self: The Daughter's Search for Identity (by Nancy Friday) and Mother's Day (by Anne Rockwell, Lizzy Rockwell (Illustrator)]
- Drinks named for mothers (e.g., Bahama Mama)
- Famous mothers (e.g., Mother Nature, Mother Theresa, the Queen Mother and the Virgin Mary)
- Famous childhood mother icons (e.g., the Cinderella's evil stepmother, fairy godmothers)
- Famous sculptures (e.g., Michelangelo's Pieta)
- Literature referencing mother's wit [e.g., Mother Hubberds Tale (Beg amongst those that beggers doo defie. ... For whatsoeuer mother wit, or arte Could worke, he put in proofe: no practise slie) and William Shakespeare - The Merchant of Venice Page 23 (That were a kinde of bastard hope indeed, so the sins of my mother should be ...that for a tricksie word Defie the matter: how cheer'st thou Iessica)
- Magazines referencing mothers (e.g., Mother Jones and Working Mother)
- Movies about mothers (e.g., Mommy Dearest, Don't Throw Momma From the Train and Big Momma's House)
- Phrases referencing mothers (e.g., "mother lode," "mother wit," and "mama mia!")
- Poetry referencing mothers [e.g., (Mother Hubbard (nursery rhyme)]
- Radio broadcast referencing Mother's Day: Roundup of the May 10 "Lisa Tolliver Show": filmmaker Emanuel Rund and film critic Joseph Dimyan celebrate the TFF and Mother's Day
- Songs honoring mothers [e.g., "I'll Always Love My Mama" (by The Intruders) and "Ave Maria")

Friday, May 12, 2006
Emergency Preparedness & Safety Tip #5: HURRICANE AWARENESS & SAFETY will broadcast on the May 24 "Lisa Tolliver Show" during National Hurricane Week

Emergency Preparedness Tip #5 from the Westchester Emergency Volunteers-Medical Reserve Corps (WEVR-MRC) addresses HURRICANE AWARENESS AND SAFETY. It could mean the difference between life and death during a disaster or emergency.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Roundup of the May 10 "Lisa Tolliver Show": filmmaker Emanuel Rund and film critic Joseph Dimyan celebrate the TFF and Mother's Day
ABSTRACT: As today's Lisa Tolliver Show promos indicated, today's topics were the Tribeca Film Festival 2006 (TFF) and Mother's Day.

Cinematographer, Director, Writer, Consultant Emanuel Rund--in town selecting films for the Filmfest München) 2006--and Danbury News film critic Joseph Dimyan, Esq. joined me on the electronic "stage" known as the Lisa Tolliver Show to discuss the TFF. We also addressed some other film festivals of interest and shared a key resource for anything and everything you'd like to know (and more) about film festivals worldwide. FilmFestivals.com (Non-stop festivals), describes itself as a:
Searchable database of international film and television festivals. Listings include news, articles, interviews, film details, and multimedia.
Major film festivals worldwide with daily news, movie info, columns, and city guides.
If you fall into the latter category, the tools at FilmFestivals.com are especially valuable for selecting, prioritizing, and booking festival arrangements as well as for watching some movies online. You might also be interested in some recommendations we made on air for upcoming film festivals accessible in New York City. Filmmaker Emanuel's direction is the Sundance Institute at BAM (Brooklyn Academy of Music) scheduled for May 11-21. Sundance, he said off the air, is one of the most important film festivals and screening and winning awards there opens many doors for filmmakers. Attorney Joseph made the case for attending the May 5-June 15 B Noir film festival at Film Forum. ("Click here for the "film noir" definition.) The broadcaster in the bunch suggested that those with cable TV check out the month-long Turner Classic Movies festival entitled, "Race & Hollywood: Black Images on Film." Additionally, film enthusiasts might enjoy watching the TFF online film shorts and other goodies that are the next best thing to being there. One can also watch movies at other film festival sites and at FilmFestivalsTV.com.
Upcoming Lisa Tolliver Show broadcasts will feature additional filmfest reportage from people with various roles throughout the filmfest pipeline. Examples include additional guest spots from Emanuel and Joseph, exhibitors and performers in the Tribeca Family Festival Street Fair, Director and real-life "Sci-Fi Boy" Paul Davids, Seed magazine writer Pam Grossman, and more!

Monday, May 08, 2006
The May 10 "Lisa Tolliver Show" will cover the 2006 TriBeCa Film Festival and Mother's Day

Filmmaker Emanuel Rund
Film Critic Joseph Dimyan, Esq.

Sunday, May 07, 2006
The 5th Annual TriBeCa Film Festival wraps today - it's not too late to enjoy it or upcoming coverage on air and online

WESTCHESTER COUNTY, NY - Don't be fooled by the title of yesterday's TriBeCa Film Festival press release:
Fifth Annual TriBeCa Film Festival concludes with May 6 awards ceremony: Blessed By Fire, War Tapes, The Yacoubian Building, The Play & Voices Of Bam win top awards in juried competition; over $300,000 handed out in cash prizes
The fifth annual Tribeca Film Festival, co-founded by Robert De Niro, Jane Rosenthal and Craig Hatkoff, and presented by American Express, today announced the winners of its competitions at an awards dinner at The Golden Bridge.
If you can't make it in person, you can get a taste of the event. For example, you can view TFF video clips online, savor other tidbits at TriBeCaFilmFestival.org, and partake with fellow participants and me in dishing about films and our TFF 2006 experiences on air and online. More on that later.
This year’s festival served up a feast of exhibits and 247 films from 40 countries to look at, concerts to groove to, activities (such as panel discussions, filmmaker events, gala premiers of major studio releases and the Family Festival) to participate in and people to meet. Like a lavishly appointed holiday smorgasbord, participants could gorge themselves silly or selectively sample from an almost overwhelming menu of activities. Yesterday alone (between 1 and 11 p.m.), I watched three films, met filmmakers, principals from some films, industry "suits," street fair performers, festival staffers (whose day jobs range from full-time gigs with TFF to an interesting array of other activities) and fellow media educators and journalists. I was too pooped to attend the late dinners and industry parties I was invited to, and will write in another column about the pros and cons of attending local versus foreign festivals.
Over the next few weeks, I will dish about several films and my TFF 2006 experience on air and online. Some fellow festival participants and filmgoers will join me. But more on that later. Gotta gulp some breakfast, drop someone at church, and hightail it to TriBeCa. (Click here for directions.)
Stop back here if you want to read about TFF-related articles and broadcasts that I’m working on and contributors who'll have speaking roles. These working titles provide sneak previews –
- Driving around New York City? Be careful who’s in and around your car [joint review of 16 Blocks (which I viewed outside of TFF) and Speedy]
- Several takes on September 11 and beyond (joint review of United 93 and The Heart of Steel)
- Who benefits from participating in TFF and why?
- Go play in the street! And other kid-friendly fun at TFF 2006
- Interviews with "Renegade" 9/11 Volunteers featured in The Heart of Steel, The Sci-Fi Boys Director/Screenwriter Paul Davids, freelance film critic and movie buff Joseph Dimyan, Esq., King Charles Unicycle Troupers, and representatives from the Public School 150 booth at the Street Fair and Cake Man Raven Confectionery (whose delightful red velvet cupcakes kept me going).###
Saturday, May 06, 2006
How to access my article - "Cinco de Mayo and Bonza Bottler Day" - at Blogcritics.org

Want to read more? You may click here to read the article published at Blogcritics.org and here to read other articles that my colleagues and I have published at that sinister [but critically and popularly acclaimed] cabal of superior bloggers on music, books, film, popular culture, technology, and politics. ###

Friday, May 05, 2006
How to access my article - "Help Girls Fly And Achieve Other Fantastic Feats" - at Blogcritics.org

Want to read more? You may click here to read the article published at Blogcritics.org and here to read other articles that my colleagues and I have published at that sinister [but critically and popularly acclaimed] cabal of superior bloggers on music, books, film, popular culture, technology, and politics.###

May 5 is Cinco de Mayo (an historical holiday) and this month's Bonza Bottler Day (a marketer's dream)

As Cinco History further explains, American forces supported the Mexican military to win the:The 5th of May is not Mexican Independence Day, but it should be! And Cinco de Mayo is not an American holiday, but it should be. [...]
So, why Cinco de Mayo? And why should Americans savor this day as well? Because 4,000 Mexican soldiers smashed the French and traitor Mexican army of 8,000 at Puebla, Mexico, 100 miles east of Mexico City on the morning of May 5, 1862.*
[...] Great victory that kept Napoleon III from supplying the confederate rebels for another year, allowing the United States to build the greatest army the world had ever seen. This grand army smashed the Confederates at Gettysburg just 14 months after the battle of Puebla, essentially ending the Civil War. *
Ongoing collaboration between Mexicans and Americans was evidenced when:
In gratitude, thousands of Mexicans crossed the border after Pearl Harbor to join the U.S. Armed Forces. [And] As recently as the Persian Gulf War, Mexicans flooded American consulates with phone calls, trying to join up and fight another war for America. *
* Source: "Cinco History" at Viva Cinco de Mayo
Another valuable resources is the DVD, Celebrating Cinco De Mayo, which describes how the occasion is celebrated and the principles it represents. This his how an Editorial Review at Amazon.com summarized the DVD's contents:
Parades, traditional foods, colorful crafts, and happy people are the trademarks of elebrating Cinco de Mayo. Cinco de Mayo presents a wonderful opportunity each year for two neighboring countries—the United States and Mexico-- to acknowledge and re-affirm their friendship. The holiday glorifies freedom and liberty, ideas that are cherished by citizens of both North American democracies.
- Click here to access the source
Googling "Cinco de Mayo" provides additional sources of historical information, as well as recipes, events and celebration suggestions.
Cinco de Mayo, like other holidays, is subject to crass commercialization.
Googling "Cinco de Mayo" also reveals advertisements and infomercials from various purveyors of goods and services. For an example, access this VivaCincadeMayo.com link. I was once a major culprit. In the early 1990s, I worked with the team that introduced Taco Bell products to grocery stores. Taco Bell Corporation, now a division of Yum! Brands, Inc. but then a PepsiCo division, collaborated with its corporate partners to roll out the grocery product line coincidentally with Cinco de Mayo. That timing leveraged the larger buzz surrounding Cinco de Mayo and many things Mexican in the US and many things American in Mexico. (Aside: Americans view Taco Bell food as Mexican or Tex-Mex; Mexicans view it as American.)
Speaking of commercialization, May 5 is a Super Bonza Bottler Day.
Bonza Bottler Days occur whenever the day and month coincide, such as July 7, August 8 and September 9. Super Bonza Bottler Days fall on popularly recognized holidays or when a day, month and year coincide (e.g., January 1, 2001, February 2, 2002 and Cinco de Mayo last year: May 5, 2005). Thanks to the numerous holidays and observances throughout the world and proliferation of special-interest observances (such as Doing Business in Your Bathrobe Day sponsored by Webmomz to recognize "the hard work and dedication it takes to be an entrepreneur" and to promote the Webmomz organization), Super Bonza Bottler Days occur almost monthly. Examples of Super Bonza Bottler Days that fall on U.S. holidays include January 1 (New Year's Day), February 2 (Groundhog Day), April 4 (International Day for Landmine Awareness and Assistance), May 5 (Cinco de Mayo), June 6 (Teachers Day and National Yo-Yo Day) and November 11 (Veteran's Day).
Bonza Bottler Days were created by some brilliant promoter to provide monthly excuses to celebrate and to generate marketing campaigns. Although it is unclear who originated the occasion, its terms are readily traceable. "Bonza" and its synonym "bonzer," are popularly used in Australia, and likely derive from the word "bonanza." Bonza and bonzer are defined in the Urban [slang] Dictionary as "brilliant," "well executed," "excellent," "great" and in The Free [online] Dictionary as "remarkable or wonderful," "extraordinary." The word "bottler" likely derives from the Australian term "bottle shop," or its diminutive forms "bottlo – (pronounced bottle oh)" or "bottl-o," defined in Australian words: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia as "a shop selling alcoholic drinks (for external consumption)," i.e., for consumption off the premises. For marketers, event promoters, and purveyors of food and drink, Bonza Bottler Days are, well, bonzer!
Bonza Bottler Days can be used for good as well as greed. Marketers and non-marketers alike could use these regular reminders to pamper significant others, make and assess progress toward annual resolutions, and do good deeds.###